Better Bites Together: Cameron Gamble

Cameron Gamble is an experienced angler in the San Diego/ Southern California area. He's been around the fishing industry for years and knows a thing or two about catching fish. Read about his favorite ways and places to fish and why he LOVES it!
Follow him on Instagram @cameronjoocegamble
How long have you been fishing?
I fished a few times when I was younger, but I really didn’t start getting into fishing until I was 20. I left Jr. College in Santa Barbara and moved up to Alaska for a summer to be a deckhand with one of my friends. Since that summer, I have been addicted to fishing.
Favorite fishing story of your own:
During the 2022 season, me and a few friends surprised our buddy Johnny with a 2-day trip on the SauerFish for his Bachelor Party. Seven of us went out there and we absolutely smoked BFT. Johnny has never been BFT fishing but most of his friends work or worked on boats so he was always hearing about how awesome it can be when they are biting. These things were chewing non stop and we ended up coming in early. We had lights out night time fishing big fish on jigs and wide open flyline fishing on school size fish during the day. We ended up with boat limits, the highlight being Johnny landing a 110 and a 205.

Favorite spot(s) to fish:
In terms of offshore fishing, I love running South down the beach to find loaded kelps in the summer or running down foamers. I guess those aren’t designated “spots” but that’s what makes it fun! 
In terms of Surf Fishing, I spend a lot of time in North County SD riding my ebike up and down the beaches looking for rips and structure. 
Favorite style of fishing:
Nothing beats a wide open patty bite. I love finding a big patty and catching YT on irons or bait. 
Foamer fishing for tuna is a very close second, only because they don’t always cooperate. 
Favorite Jigs/baits/rods/reels:
A flyline bait caught me my first YT, Dorado, BFT and YFT (all at different times) so I have a deep love for the trusty live bait light line flyline. 
I am not married to any rod/reel, but two standout reels to me are the Trinidad 14A for patties and the Penn Torque for nighttime fishing. 
What do you love about fishing?
I love the adrenaline. The reason I started fishing was because of the adrenaline that hit me the first time I gaffed a fish. Starting out mainly as a deckhand gave me an interesting perspective, I was addicted to gaffing fish. Then I really fell in love when I was hooked into a decent sized fish and landed it. 
Bucket list fishing trip:
In the past year I have been doing more Surf Fishing than anything. I have become obsessed with the foot chase involved with fishing from the beach. I would love to get down to South America and fish poppers from the beach. I have had chances in Rancho Leonero and Panama but was never able to connect with the desired species. 
What do you do as a day job/tell us anything else about yourself!
I am currently the Regional Marketing Manager of California for a Texas based company called Suntex Marinas. I manage the marketing for 15 CA marinas, these are a mixture of salt and fresh water. I love working in the marine/boating industry and being around people who share the love for being on the water! 
I am based in North County San Diego and I love it. Lately I have been spearfishing off the coast up here but my technique and gear needs some work! I have yet to land anything from jumping in on kelp patties but I am trying to get out there once a week before our water goes warm and we go into winter mode!