5 tips to catch more fish as summer ends

As summer comes quickly to an end, many people think the good fishing will come to a screeching halt as well. BUT THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE CASE. With slow pitch jigging and the right gear, your catches can continue year-round. We've got some tips to get you bit as the weather cools off:
  • Target Cooler Waters: As summer cools off, fish go deep, seeking cooler waters like they’re escaping to their own underwater air conditioning. To get in on the action, break out your Submission Fishing 300-600g jigs—these heavyweights are perfect for reaching the depths where tuna and halibut lurk. Think of it as sending out a gourmet meal straight to their basement. If you’re still fishing shallow, you’re basically knocking on an empty door. Go deeper, and you’ll find where the real party’s happening.
  • Match the Hatch: By late summer, fish have developed a serious taste for the local cuisine, so it’s not just about throwing any old jig out there. You’ve got to mimic the exact baitfish they’re already munching on. It’s like showing up with their favorite snack at a football game—you instantly become the most popular guy in the water. Make sure your jigs or lures match what they’re feeding on. If you nail this, your hookup rate will skyrocket, and the fish won’t be able to resist. (Check out our Natural Bait, Bream, and Mackerel jigs)
  • Focus on Structure: Fish are creatures of habit, and they love to hang around underwater structures like kelp beds, reefs, and submerged logs, especially when the water temperatures start changing. It’s like they’re gathering around their favorite hideouts. Slow pitch jigs are perfect for working these areas and tempting fish that are tucked away. The key is to drop your jig in and let the structure do half the work—fish can’t help but investigate. It’s like ringing the dinner bell right in their living room.
  • Focus on Timing: Late summer brings those prime feeding windows at dawn and dusk. It’s like fish rush hour, and if you’re not on the water during these times, you’re missing out. Plan your trips around these peak feeding periods, and you’ll increase your chances of landing a big one. Showing up at noon? You might as well be fishing in a bathtub. Hit the water early or late, and you’ll be in the right place at the right time when the fish are biting.
  • Use Glow-in-the-Dark Jigs: As daylight hours get shorter, it’s time to break out the glow-in-the-dark jigs. These bad boys light up the depths like a neon sign at your favorite dive bar, making sure fish can find your lure even in low-light conditions. Night fishing, early mornings, or cloudy days—glow jigs give you the edge when visibility is low. Fish can’t resist the glow, and it helps your jig stand out when everything else is fading into the darkness. If you’re not glowing, you’re not showing.

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